
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2019

#DomingosDeFicción: Revista OJO publica "Caracas el miedo"

La revista OJO publica mi cuento Caracas el miedo en sus #DomingosDeFicción, con ocasión a la semana de #Caracas452 [LEER MÁS]

Caracas: The fear

El equipo de "Hearts on Venezuela" me sorprendió con la traducción al inglés de mi relato "Caracas, el miedo". Acá el texto: “Man is wolf to man.” Thomas Hobbes 1. The city is a rabid dog. I write to immunize myself. 2. I fell asleep and missed the half hour of water. The Internet is down. I leave a paragraph halfway and go out to look for food. The Street Chief and Popular and Communal Spokesperson of the Quadrant of Peace and Revolutionary Guerrilla of the Civic Revolutionary and Combatant Military Zone – a poor devil – places me at the end of a long line of people piled up like dung. 3. Today I will write a little less. All for nothing. We all waste time. Says the whiplash of my bleeding ulcer that is my new oracle. 4. Hours of damp sun, militia requisition, triumphant entrance of hyenas scavenging empty shelves. 5. Sometimes I feel stuck in a landfill. 6. I advance. A guy behind me dares to check his cellphone out in the street. Fool. Soon the